
Happy anniversary

I guess. I don't feel like writing that much today, but I would like to recognize that a year ago on this date, I was finally given a name that, at least in part, helped to explain all of the craziness that has been going in my body for my whole life. A year ago I was diagnosed with POTS.

I guess that happy anniversary is more appropriate than not, as I went from being "it's all in your head" to "there is something actually wrong with you" on that day. Others with dysautonomia probably understand my cautious optimism of "celebrating" such a day.

I guess I'll just end this post with... I'm glad I'm not crazy, and I'm glad that the medical profession, or some individual medical professionals, backs me up.


em said...

i understand.x

Anonymous said...

I'm relieved to have the doctors tell me that there really is something wrong with me too... but after hearing that "it's all in my head" all my life it's really hard for me to accept it. I don't know how to "believe" that there's really something wrong. I spent so long trying to ignore my symptoms... how to I believe my body now? And how do I get other people to accept the fact that it's not "all in my head"? And that it's actually pretty serious...

Anyway, happy anniversary... :)

Ericka McCarty said...

Thanks, Em!

Jenny, I understand having trouble believing that I am sick. I feel like I'm lying half of the time when I start telling others about my multiple health issues. And having had so many people in my life tell me to just 'get over it, we all get sick, it'll go way', before long, became my internal mantra, and it doesn't matter how many doctor visit summaries that are on official letter-head signed by some of the top names in the world of EDS and related illnesses, I don't know if I'll ever completely believe it. Perhaps I'm still in the shock/denial phase.

I wonder if some of my lingering antagonism towards the medical industry is fueled by my inability to completely accept that I'm sick?