Well, at least about blogging. I'm not promising daily updates, but I will try to shoot for once a week at the very minimum. In any case, I think that I may have met my new PCP yesterday. I have been looking for one for awhile, and I decided to finally see the one that my friend who has had similar experience with the medical establishment as I have rave about for a few months.
Although he does not give out pain pills on the first visit, I asked for them (I asked for 8 of the lowest dosage narcotic he could prescribe) since I have been about an 8 or 9 on the pain scale for about a week. I actually should have tried to see him sooner, but as I'm stubborn, I thought the pain would go away. However, it is been yet another pain/exhaustion cycle. The pain causes insomnia. The insomnia causes exhaustion which makes my muscles weaker so my joints pop out of place even more. I got to a point to where it was completely unbearable that I've randomly burst into tears the past few days (and I don't normally cry).
Also, since I've been wearing an Aspen collar and my trapezious are somewhat trying to relax for the first time in a VERY long time (like, around a year or so), well, sore just does not cover how much they hurt. I know it's a good hurt, since it is the same hurt that most people have when they have a tense muscle relax, but since these muscles have been tense for SO long, the ache and the sore mixed with having more feeling in my hands and arms, which have been dislocating quite a bit lately is a rather special form of excruciating and I honestly have no idea how I have been able to make it to class (one of which is a 3 hour round trip, and I threw up 3 times in one hour during that class... fun drive home). In fact, I dislocated, and reduced my wrist and I think that I might have slipped a cuss word (it really hurt, and I don't remember the next 15 seconds) right there in front of him. In any case, I left there with 10 pills, a prescription for Nexium, and an appointment for 2 weeks so he can read up a bit more about me before we meet again.
I really liked (and am now concerned) his concern when I mentioned I haven't had an edoscopy done since February and I had Barrett's Esophagus. He said that I needed one every 6 months, and I had been told by the GI who had diagnosed me that I needed one every year. That is when he gave me the Nexium script, actually. As I was in so much pain, I am not 100% sure of my impression of him, but just by his actions alone, I think that I need to hang on to this doctor.
I hope that this will be the beginning of a good doctor/patient relationship. He did seem to listen to me, and he didn't cut me off, if I recall correctly. That is always a good sign.
1 comment:
glad you found yourself a good dr, always the way to go with a recommendation. sorry your in so much pain, this condition can really get to you sometimes. x
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