
Should I stay or should I go?

I am sitting here, tired as can be. I normally go to church twice on Sundays, but I have already missed the Divine Liturgy at the Byzantine Catholic Church. I think that I pushed myself way too hard yesterday, and I am paying for it dearly today. Another service I attend (and sing in the choir at) is the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (aka, Latin Mass). I live about an hour away, and I need to be there by 12:45, so if I were to go, I would need to leave in about 30 minutes. I know that if I truely cannot attend church that I am released from the obligation to go (if you can't go, you can't go), but I am not happy with the fact that I may not even be able to go... or if I were to push myself hard enough, I might not be able to go to class (at least the morning class) tomorrow. It's such a difficult thing to not be depressed at the lack of my ability to do anything, especially when my symptoms are at their worst (though they haven't been at their worst, they have been worse than usual the past few days). I have been praying like crazy... of course for a cure, but also for "WHY???" What am I supposed to learn from this illness? How do I need to face it? Why do I feel so alone (though I know I'm not alone)?

There are many other prayers I have and need to pray, but right now my mental functioning isn't so great... I am still looking into whether or not to go to Church... I'll get dressed and see how I feel after that.

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