I quit smoking. 2 months ago, actually. I can't get over the fact just how much better I feel, and how tight and horrible that smoking actually made my lungs feel. I suppose that until I gave it up I couldn't see how sick it was making me.
I'm now gluten-free. I have osteoporosis, very low levels of vitamins (especially B3 (niacin) and D), and I'm sure many of my symptoms are worsened by eating gluten. Perhaps I may or may not have celiac (although I had a weak positive on some of the blood work), but I do know that gluten makes me sick. I have not eaten any (as far as I know) in almost 2 weeks, and I can't get over just how much less nausea and stomach pain I've had. I've even had times where I've not had acid-reflux (a major thing for me!). I'm glad that I'm going gluten-free, as it is forcing me to make much of my own food from scratch, and to be more conscious about what goes in my body. Because many processed foods have gluten in them, I have pretty much eliminated everything unless I know FOR SURE it's safe (such as the newly-reformulated Progresso soups). I'm focusing on fruits and vegetables as my main source of food. Because I'm already feeling so much better, and I know that it takes months for the full results to be seen, I'm hopeful that I'll be feeling much better the longer I avoid gluten.